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Inventures receives "CO2 Neutral" label

Brussels, 15 Nov 2020. Inventures has received the “CO2 Neutral” label from CO2Logic and Vinçotte for 2020. We conducted over the past months our first carbon audit through CO2Logic and offset our current carbon emissions by financing a reforestation project in Zambia.

Since the beginning of Inventures, we have been very active by reducing our footprint through low-emission mobility and zero waste policy. As a team, we are proud to see that our efforts reduced our CO2 footprint to 3.2 tonnes of CO2 in 2020.

" Sustainability is in our DNA. Inventures wants to be a sustainable company in a sustainable world. Gaining the CO2 neutral label underscores the efforts we have been making for years to provide concrete answers for reducing our C02 footprint,” commented Olivier de Duve, CEO of Inventures.

To prevent the residual CO2 emissions from having an impact on the climate, Inventures has made the decision to compensate its operational activities by using Gold Standard-certified climate projects. The project selected is the “reforestation” project in Zambia.


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