The first European impact fund
Lets the Inventures begin!
Inventures Investment Partners (IIP) is a management company that manages the impact venture capital funds, Inventures I and Inventures II. IIP's mission is to produce attractive financial and social returns.
Inventures I is a €15 million venture capital fund. It currently manages a portfolio of 12 early-stage and scale-up companies that focus on societal goals including health, education, environment, economic growth and social progress. The fund is closed for new investments.
Inventures II SDG Growth is a venture capital fund with a target size of €35 million. It invests early-stage capital in smart and innovative European SMEs answering at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They encourage co-investments to allow the eco-system to participate to the growth of the economy.


At Inventures Investment Partners, we strongly believe the startup revolution is ongoing and is fundamentally transforming our world. As innovators since 2011 in Impact Finance, we strive to build a more responsible finance by selecting sustainable projects and creating strong financial and social measurable returns. Reconciling profitability and sustainability is not an option, it is a must if we want the next generations to inherit and preserve our blue planet and humanity in harmony.
Our values

Create impact and generate profit by empowering driven and innovative entrepreneurs.

Sharing success
Positive energy
Sustainable Development Goals
The world currently faces a host of social and environmental challenges, ranging from climate change to access to adequate healthcare and rapid urbanization. In 2015, the United Nations developed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which outline the roadmap for a more just and equitable society by 2030. The SDGs represent a call to action for both the public and private sectors to solve global challenges. Mobilizing capital for social impact by investing in entrepreneurs is key to achieving these goals.
Inventures aligns their investments with the SDGs. In addition to achieving attractive and sustainable financial returns, all of our portfolio companies must contribute in a positive and measurable manner to SDGs achievements. We invest in companies that integrate up impact into their core business model and proposition, so that as entrepreneurs scale up their operations, impact scales as well.